Investors: Press Release

GeckoSystems Advances Technologies Due to Elder Care Robot Trials

CONYERS, Ga., April 19, 2010 -- GeckoSystems Intl. Corp. (PINKSHEETS: GCKO) -- -- announced today that they have incorporated numerous improvements to their suite of "Mobile Robot Solutions for Safety, Security, and Service™" due to insights gained from their ongoing, world's first elder care robot trials.

"When we embarked on this world's first real world evaluation of personal companion robots and their benefits to families, we expected to learn a great deal as to the robustness of our technologies. And we have," observed Martin Spencer, President/CEO, GeckoSystems.

"Since moving into our new R&D lab the first of this year and hiring additional engineers and programmers, we have solved numerous technical issues that have become apparent since beginning these trials in GeckoScheduler™, GeckoTrak™, GeckoChat™, GeckoSuper™, and to a limited degree, GeckoNav™," reflected Mark Peele, Vice President, R&D, GeckoSystems.

In prior press releases GeckoSystems discussed the "sound quality" upgrades to GeckoChat to better enable a more deaf than realized elderly participant to understand the CareBot's™ synthesized voice when delivering medication reminders, family anecdotes, etc. to express valued family behaviors. GeckoScheduler was completely reworked to enhance its flexibility and ease of use. It is now a standalone GeckoSavant™, instead of being a portion of GeckoChat. GeckoTrak is now more reliable in its ability to automatically --without human intervention-- to find and/or follow the designated care receiver. And the GeckoSuper is now more efficient and timely in its management of the various GeckoSavants™ under its purview.

This new type of modern eldercare will postpone, if not eliminate, many elderly persons from having to endure the loneliness and loss of independence due to leaving their own homes and living in nursing homes and other assisted living facilities. Their families can now better manage the difficult decisions regarding independence they allow their now dependent aged parent while minimizing the concern and risk the adult care giving child is willing to assume to enable an acceptable level of independence and consequent risk (to the care giver) for their now dependent parent.

Like an automobile, mobile robots are made from steel, aluminum, plastic, and electronics, but with ten to twenty times the amount of software running. The CareBot has an aluminum frame, plastic shroud, two independently driven wheels, multiple sensor systems, microprocessors and several onboard computers connected in a local area network (LAN). The microprocessors directly interact with the sensor systems and transmit data to the onboard computers. The onboard computers each run independent, highly specialized cooperative/subsumptive artificial intelligence (AI) software programs, GeckoSavants, which interact to complete tasks in a timely, intelligent and common sense manner.

GeckoNav, GeckoChat and GeckoTrak are primary GeckoSavants. GeckoNav is responsible for all fully autonomous maneuvering, such as avoiding dynamic and/or static obstacles, running errands and patrolling. GeckoChat is responsible for interaction with the care-receiver such as answering questions, assisting with daily routines and reminders, and responding to other verbal commands. GeckoTrak, which is mostly transparent to the user, enables the CareBot to maintain proximity to the care receiver using sensor fusion. The CareBot is an Internet appliance that is accessible for remote video/audio monitoring and telepresence.

"No doubt a significant amount of the daily shorting of GCKO stock is due to disbelieving brokerage firms betting against the reality and economic benefit of our many breakthrough mobile robot solutions. To those skeptics, that also decried the 'talkies, horseless carriages, flying machines, the telephone, the TV, the personal computer, and the Internet,' we say: Stay tuned. We are real. Our technologies are real. The family benefits are real. The markets are real. And we are in this to the realization of personal companion robot benefits for families with satisfying ROI for our now 1200+ investors," opined Spencer.

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