Investors: Press Release

GeckoSystems Discusses Expansion and Duration of Elder Care Robot Trials

CONYERS, Ga., Feb. 1, 2010 -- GeckoSystems Intl. Corp. (PINKSHEETS: GCKO) -- announced today that their world's first in home personal robot trials continue to proceed with new insights being revealed. GeckoSystems is a dynamic leader in the emerging Mobile Service Robot (MSR) industry revolutionizing their development and usage with "Mobile Robot Solutions for Safety, Security and Service™."

"We are routinely asked by potential CareBot™ purchasers and investors: 'How long will you be in trials and how many CareBots do you have in trial?' Unfortunately due to limited resources, we cannot simply spend more money on an as needed basis. So on one hand, while we must remain cognizant of the realities of fund raising during this Great Recession, we are also well aware and routinely reminded of the pent up demand for cost effective home assistance for the elderly and chronically ill.

"Due to the historic nature of these in home trials and our intention to delight our first customers by exceeding their expectations, we will be adding several care receivers with differing levels of autonomy and frailty. Sometimes grandma hears well, speaks clearly and ambulates about her home without any assistance. At another extreme, she may be confined to a wheel chair and incapable of normal verbal interaction.

"I believe that once we have a focus group of fifteen to twenty-five families with their experiences with a CareBot incorporated into their daily lives, we will have a pretty good idea as to what will delight eighty to ninety percent of our target market in elder care. How long it takes us to get to that plateau of understanding and confidence in CareBot safety, security and service is dependent --in no small part-- on the continued success of our fundraising activities," observed Martin Spencer, President/CEO, GeckoSystems.

GeckoSystems has ongoing in home personal companion robot trials to demonstrate that their next-generation practical, personal companion robots have the ability to help caregivers perform critical eldercare monitoring and extend the time that people can live independently. Their CareBot home care robot is capable of assisting in senior care in a variety of real-life situations, such as on-time reminders of medication and enabling a sense of safety and security due to being "watched over" by family members.

Like an automobile, mobile robots are made from steel, aluminum, plastic, and electronics, but with ten to twenty times the amount of software running. The CareBot has an aluminum frame, plastic shroud, two independently driven wheels, multiple sensor systems, microprocessors and several onboard computers connected in a local area network (LAN). The microprocessors directly interact with the sensor systems and transmit data to the onboard computers. The onboard computers each run independent, highly specialized cooperative/subsumptive artificial intelligence (AI) software programs, GeckoSavants™, which interact to complete tasks in a timely, intelligent and common sense manner. GeckoNav™, GeckoChat™ and GeckoTrak™ are primary GeckoSavants. GeckoNav is responsible for maneuvering, avoiding dynamic and/or static obstacles, seeking waypoints and patrolling. GeckoChat is responsible for interaction with the care-receiver such as answering questions, assisting with daily routines and reminders, and responding to other verbal commands. GeckoTrak, which is mostly transparent to the user, enables the CareBot to maintain proximity to the care-receiver using sensor fusion. The CareBot is an internet appliance that is accessible for remote video/audio monitoring and telepresence.

GeckoChat is responsible for interaction with the care-receiver such as answering questions, assisting with daily routines and reminders, and responding to other verbal commands. Due to the end user customization capability of their verbal interaction AI software, GeckoChat, many perceive the CareBot as being capable of being a personal companion robot with desirable social interaction beyond rote recitation of medication reminders.

GeckoTrak, which is mostly transparent to the user, enables the CareBot to maintain proximity to the care-receiver using sensor fusion. The CareBot is an internet appliance that is accessible for remote video/audio monitoring and telepresence.

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